Hi!  My name is Amber and I'm a shopaholic.  I have always been obsessed with fashion and shopping.  I have dreamed for as long as I can remember that one day I would own my own boutique.  With the help of my family, mainly my husband, that dream has come true!  I love my family fiercely and wanted the name of my boutique to represent that. Kate and Rylee are the middle names of my 2 girls. My son opted out of being involved in the business. LOL!  I love Jesus, family, friends and coffee. I love hanging by the pool and usually falling asleep there. My favorite movie of all time is "Tombstone." I could watch it daily, and I know every word.
KRB carries a little bit of everything. I hope you find what you've been looking for! Thank you to all my family, friends and customers for supporting my dreams!